Friday, January 31, 2020

Paparazzi - III

20th August 1997

The Buckinghamshire Golf club was situated near the beautiful city of Denham, spreading a wide expanse of 6800 yards. Carl had been a regular member of the Golf Club since it was opened in 1992. Ron Gallella arrived at the Golf Club before Carl. He was more than a Happy-go-lucky guy who never took life serious for anyone or anything. He Knew Carl for a year now. Carl had helped Ron acquit from a case when he was charged for selling marijuana to few college blokes in Northampton where five lost their lives. Since then he owed him a debt personally. But Carl never had much use for it himself. Ron got a call from him earlier that morning and he told him he wanted to discuss something very important in person. Ron realized it was time to pay back the debt

Ron met Carl in a coffee shop inside the Golf Club. Carl asked him to be his caddy so that nobody would suspect them. Ron agreed and carried the bag, which had many Golf clubs, pencils, scorecards, Towel and a Ballmark repair tool.

They both walked towards the course. They reached the teeing area and Carl positioned the tee peg carefully and placed the ball over it.

Carl started with a casual conversation and got ready for a Backswing with the Driver club “So how are you Ron?”

“I am doing fine sir, and what do you want me to do for you?” Ron put it plain and straight.

Carl stopped himself going for the first hole, turned and smiled at Ron.

“You are as Irish as a Paddy’s Pig, Ron. The most cunning, cool, wise Paparazzi I’ve ever seen. Why don’t you start practicing Law? I could help you” Carl smiled

“I would rather feel happy screwing one person’s life than the whole nation, Sir” He laughed.

“You lousy son of a $(0!@#$%” Carl patted his shoulders.

“Let’s get straight to work. I want you to do a job for me. Something important”

“Anything you say sir” Ron told firmly

“Ron, reach for the bottom of the bag that you are holding and pull out the leather bag” Carl guided him Ron immediately slid his hands inside and Carl reacted immediately “Careful!!!”

Ron looked puzzled and pulled out the small leather case. It was heavy and looked bulky “This $1750 handheld shooter comes fully assembled, runs on standard AA batteries, and packs enough focused energy to blast a hole in the hardest of metals. A set of Alkaline loads about a hundred-fifty 6,000 Watt shots with a 20 to 30 second recharge lag between blasts. And you know what? They'll tell you that the product is intended as an advanced science project. After digging into the details you'll have to sign the hazardous equipment affidavit before purchasing since this is a Class IV, a highly dangerous laser” Carl finished

“Sir, what do you want me to do with this Gun? Blast metals?”” He asked him

“You must kill Dodi Fayed, the oldest son of Mohamed al-Fayed” Carl hissed in his ears. Ron examined the instrument with curiosity

“Looks like you have already made up your mind to take the job. That’s my boy” Carl brushed his blonde hair

“What if I get caught?” Ron asked him back

Carl smiled “One is too many. I managed to get a five murderer acquitted” He replied him back

************* *************

26th August 1997

David Spedding arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris dressed up like a normal civilian waiting for the others to report.

They arrived one by one in various disguises. One dressed up as a Traveler carrying huge travel cases; Next one came along shortly as a medical representative; Third one as a software engineer carrying laptops; Fourth one as an Automobile Engineer with the artilleries hidden among the heavy automobile spare parts; Fifth one as a Honeymoon couple, who hired a hooker after promising her a free holiday in Paris and later got rid of her.

His men had worked round the clock and collected all the information about Dodi Fayed and Diana since the day Miles met Spedding at the SIS headquarters. They knew this operation was once in a lifetime opportunity to please the Royal family. The five men occupied various parts of the airport but maintained eye contact only.

A guy came out of nowhere and walked casually towards David. He was carrying a travel book and wore a traveler’s hat. He was a Frenchman and he looked smart with his brown eyes. He looked around curiously, just like someone who had landed on a foreign country. He came close to David and opened the book and started the conversation as if he was asking for directions.

Bonjour Monsieur. Désolé, je suis un peu en retard” He apologized for making them wait.

“Jeanne-Pierre Leaud” He introduced himself.

David nodded “I don’t understand nor speak French” David responded and waved his hands on some direction as if he was telling him the route

“Oh, sont monsieur désolé… I am sorry Sir. So shall we move?” He asked him and they walked out of the airport. The other men arrived one by one

“Taxi!!!” David shouted for a taxi with a lighted orange light under the "taxi" sign on the car's roof which was about to move out of the airport.

“Sir. It’s already engaged. We should look for the ones without the orange light below the sign” Jeanne-Pierre replied

 Jeanne-Pierre signaled to a taxi which was slowing down

Prenez-nous à numéro 15, Placez Vendôme” He talked to the taxi driver

Je suis inconnue à cet endroit. Ce monsieur a dit qu'il va au même endroit que je suis. Vous opposez-vous si nous pouvons partager les frais?”

Merci tellement. Permettez-moi de recevoir nos Bagages” He smiled at the Taxi driver

“We are set to leave.” Jeanne told David.

David immediately took his mobile and made a conference call to his men

“In the Interval of 20 minutes. Reach Target and confirm. Report on further communication” He ended the call and left with Jeanne-Pierre

************* *************

#15, Place Vendôme

David was the first person to get down from the taxi. He took one good look at the mighty, beautiful hotel which stood in front of them.

“Hôtel Ritz is no wonder a master piece of art!” David admired the hotel.

He didn’t wait for the others to arrive. He had left them a message in their individual rooms.  He walked towards the reception

Soyez bienvenus à l'Hôtel Ritz. Comment puis-je vous aider?” The receptionist welcomed them warmly

“We have a reservation under the name Young Victor” David replied The attendant checked the electronic ledger and completed the formalities.

“Enjoy your stay at the Ritz, Sir” The receptionist smiled and gave him the key

The suite could not be described in words. His men gathered in his suite one by one in regular intervals

“Gentlemen, we have no time to relax. We will get to work immediately” David addressed the members where they were gathered in a small conference room attached to the suite.

Jeanne-Pierre spoke next  “Package’s current location: Island of Elba.  Activities: Sightseeing, vacation, physical intimacies. Package expected to change course likely in 24 Hrs. Predicted course: Sardinia Islands, 38° 51' and 41° 15' north and 8° 8' and 9° 50' east. Suspected activities: Unidentified. Package expected to arrive at Paris on 30th”  He finished narrating the couple’s schedule for the next 4 days.

“Brilliant” David replied.

Jeanne-Pierre sensed David had already started working out the plans for them

************* *************

Le Bourget airport, Paris
30th August 1997

 Dodi Fayed was very happy admiring his antique cufflinks Diana gifted him on their vacation. She also gave him a gold cigarette case with the engraving: "With love, from Diana". He decided to get rid of his smoking once and for all.

“Honey, you’ve showed me what life is and how much amount of love is required to make one feel close to heaven” Diana was holding Dodi’s hands with hers’ as they came out of the airport.

“You made my holiday memorable, Lady Di. I would do anything for another Holiday and still many more to come” He kissed her forehead

Diana pulled herself back when she saw more than a dozen photographers and people staring at the couple.

“Paparazzi!!! They are everywhere. What is it they want from us Dodi? Can’t we have a normal life, just like others?” Diana asked him

“Your questions will be answered when our relationship becomes official sweetheart. I’ve got a huge surprise for you here in Paris “ He smiled at her

She pulled him closer. “Really? What is it? I want to know sweetheart?” She showed her eagerness

“Not now” He responded

They drove out of the airport towards a place he was very familiar with since he was a kid. He grew up there; he had seen many ups and downs of this iconic place in the whole of Paris, which later became one of the proudest asset of the entire Al Fayed family - Hôtel Ritz

************* *************

Hôtel Ritz

“Your name, Sir” the receptionist asked Ron Gallella

“Well, does that really matter? I have a booking under the name, Martin Fletcher Could you please check your ledger?” He replied

The receptionist looked at him annoyed. “We have certain rules as far as this Hotel is concerned, Sir. Can I have your name and address” She replied firmly

He gave her his name in disguise and scribbled an address which never existed

“Room number 473. Fourth floor” She said

“Is that a costly suite?” He asked her

“Well, Sir. This is the most economical of all the rooms we have” She handed him the key. “Enjoy your stay at the Ritz” She smiled and he didn’t care to return back

“Oh Carl. Don’t you think I deserve something really better than this, for the work I am going to do for you?” He thought to himself and walked towards the elevator

*************TO BE CONTINUED *************


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