Sunday, September 5, 2021

Paparazzi - VIII

6th Sep 1997

The funeral started exactly at 9:08A.M in London when the tenor bell gonged to signal the departure of the cortege from Kensington Palace. The Union jack, a.k.a the Union Flag of the United Kingdom was lowered to half mast. The official ceremony was held in the Westminster Abbey, London and finally ended at Althorp. Bouquets of flowers were installed at the gates of Kensington Palace. Eight members of the Welsh Guards accompanied Diana's body, draped in the royal standard, throughout the one-hourforty-seven-minute ride along the streets of London. At St. James' Palace Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry and Earl Spencer joined to walk behind. The burial occurred privately later the same day. Diana's body was clothed in a black longsleeved dress, which she had chosen some weeks earlier. A set of rosary beads were placed in her hands, a gift she had received from Mother Teresa who died the same week as Diana Her grave was on an island within the grounds of Althorp Park, the Spencer family home. The island was located in an ornamental lake known as The Round Oval within Althorp Park's gardens. A path with thirty-six oak trees, marking each year of her life, lead to the Oval. Four black swans swam in the lake. The lake was filled with water lilies. In addition there were Diana's favorite white roses Celebrities who attended her funeral included Hillary Clinton, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, and Elton John. Sir Elton John dedicated a song to Princess Diana named A Candle in the wind1997 

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31st Aug 1999

Two years since the shocking bulletin went around the world: Diana, Princess of Wales killed in a Paris car crash. Crowds of mourners flocked her London home, Kensington Palace, leaving a sea of wreaths, flowers and pictures in the surrounding grounds Peter Oborne, the political editor of Britain's Spectator magazine covered the funeral spoke to ABCNEWS' : “Good Morning America!!! That people were still visibly moved by the loss today. You can see those wreaths, little messages and photographs of the princess put against the gates. It's terribly moving. Memories of Diana are still vivid for many people around the world, but Britain is holding no official ceremony to mark the gloomy anniversary.” Oborne spoke and added his disappointment that he was surprised as there was not much being said about the princess on the anniversary "I was shocked today as I picked up the English newspapers on how little there was about the princess on the second anniversary of her death," Oborne said Thousands of people paid their visit both to the Kensington Palace as well as her final resting ground at the Althorp Shahnaz Rizwana Hasan reached the grave of Princess Diana on the Island of Althorp Park. She stood in line patiently. She bought dozens of rose flowers and a card on which she had penned down few lines about the Princess. She carefully placed the flowers over her grave and lit up a candle. Finally she placed the card under the flowers which read: “You gave me life You gave me light Your profession wasn’t that great But you helped me change my fate Your name was Nina Leonhard I will remember you, forever, ever and ever R.I.P” Shahnaz paid her tribute and quickly left for Paris 

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3rd Jul 2000

Off the coast of Italian Riviera


Shahnaz felt happy boarding the Jonikal for yet another time. Her 2 year old son EmanUl-Hasan was sitting next to her admiring the sea gulls passing their yacht 20 m above them. Alongside was Mohamed-Al-Fayed, Prof. Alain Pavie, Dr. Andre, Father Yves and Béatrice Humbert. Mohamed Fayed was thanked by everyone for the wonderful get together he had arranged. Shahnaz served the guests and Mohamed assisted her “Prof. Alain, the loss of my son Dodi still leaves a mark deep down in my heart. But I am glad to have my grandson and my daughter-in-law with me. This wouldn’t have been possible without you” Mohamed addressed Prof. Alain “This is a team effort Mr. Fayed. Without the help of Dr. Andre, Father Yves, Béatrice and ofcourse the hooker who helped us indirectly with her lifeless body, this wouldn’t have been possible.” Alain replied “But how did you manage to fool the media and the other MI6 officers gathered at the hospital? I bet that wouldn’t have been easy” Mohamed asked him with anxiety “Yes, Diana had a fair chance of survival. 

First we gave her the first aid required to keep her breathing and then stopped the internal bleeding. Her breathing rate was not promising initially, but it started to pick up eventually. We shifted her to the second floor and continued with the medication with utmost care and meanwhile Father Yves and Dr. Andre informed the media about the death of Princess Diana and that the autopsy was in progress. This made sure no official was allowed to see Diana. Meanwhile Dr. Andre and Béatrice performed an autopsy on Nina Leonhard and covered her with the bandages and scratch marks were left on her face to make it difficult for anyone to easily identify the dead body. Nina weighed and measured exactly as Diana and that made the job easy for us. Further, we shifted Nina to the room where Diana was admitted earlier and moved Diana to my personal room where we continued the surgery. 

It took 8 Hours to complete the whole surgery. We treated her at my home and in a week’s time she showed positive signs. From then on, Dr. Andre took over and gave her a complete new face. And not to forget you, Mohamed gave her a new identity, a job and a passport.“ He smiled Father Yves played an important role in announcing the death of Diana. “Please forgive me father. I made you lie to the public” Prof. Alain told Father Yves “That’s for a good cause. Even the Lord would have done the same, if he were in such a situation” He smiled Shahnaz was playing with her son Eman curiously “Diana Spencer” Prof. Alain cried out. Immediately she turned to him and asked “Do you want something Professor?” “Yes, one thing and one thing only. You are no more Diana Spencer. Keep that in mind always Shahnaz” He smiled Everyone laughed joyfully and she joined them in their laughter Eman fumbled to walk few steps towards the high platform of the Yacht Shahnaz immediately rushed over to him “Eman, be nice ok? Now where are you going kid?” She faked to scare him Another flock of seagulls flew over the Jonikal as the Sun dropped down slowly over the west Horizon over the waters of Italian Riviera 

*************THE END************

Paparazzi - VII

Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital 


Béatrice Humbert, the chief nurse of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris was busy discussing with her boss Dr. Andre Lienhart, a renowned plastic surgeon was enquiring about the patients who were admitted the previous day. “Any casualties?”He asked her. “Yes Doctor Andre. 4 casualties reported. Brian Gifford, A Business Man, aged 37. Tried to commit suicide, and was rescued by the relatives. Condition: Critical Hugh Smith, A Painter, aged 52. Broke his knees while trying to climb a ladder. Condition: Normal Nina Leonhard, aged 27. Met with a car accident earlier this morning and died after few Hrs of treatment. Condition: Awaiting Autopsy” “Richard S. Flickinger,…” The nurse was reading out the case register “Hold on Béatrice. Is she the famous Hooker in Paris Nina?”He asked her “Yes, you are right Doctor” She replied. “Nobody has claimed her body yet.” She added “Strange but true!!! Nobody would want to fancy a lifeless body. Men are always Men” Her voice reflected pity for Nina “Next” He asked “Richard S. Flickinger, A Truck driver, aged 41. Hit by a car while driving his motorbike. Condition: Lesser than critical” She finished Suddenly there was chaos at the hospital entrance. An ambulance screeched up to the scene. Few cops rushed to the front of the hospital and a stretcher was pulled out from the ambulance. Dr. Andre and Béatrice rushed to the stretcher and were pulled back with shock when they saw Diana bleeding with heavy bruises all over her body. For a moment Béatrice felt her knees began to buckle and the room began to swim as she desperately fought the overpowering urge to faint. They recovered immediately and guided the stretcher towards the operating theatre. “Call up Prof. Alain Pavie immediately and tell him this is an emergency; More than an emergency” Dr. Andre ordered Béatrice. She nodded and rushed up towards the reception. Dr. Andre thought Prof. Alain Pavie, one of the France's top cardio-thoracic surgeons would be the right person 

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Prof. Alain Pavie arrived at the operating room and by the time he reached, Diana was under severe diagnosis. She was breathing normally and the ECG was close to normal. “Prof Alain, these are her reports. Her Pulse rate is rising 10-15 beats/minute and there is a significant drop in her blood pressure too” Dr. Andre handed over the reports. Prof. Alain came closer to Diana and observed her keenly. “Her skin pigmentation seems to have increased than normal” He told to himself. “Dr. Andre, make arrangements for the CPB (Cardiopulmonary bypass). We must act fast” He said Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is a technique that temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery, maintaining the circulation of blood and the oxygen content of the body. The CPB pump is often referred to as a heart-lung machine or "the pump" 

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Diana was dressed up in hospital gown and Prof. Alain wasted no time. He knew it would take nearly 4 Hrs for a normal CPB. But this case was complicated. Dr. Andre and Béatrice assisted the operation. Prof Alain began the surgery. The source of the hemorrhaging was a single lesion, which was a partial rupture of the left pulmonary vein at the point of contact with the left atrium. The tear was sutured and the hemorrhaging was stopped. He tried to reestablish a heartbeat by applying the electroshock, but it did not bring result. Prof Alain never looked like giving up. He kept repeating the procedure and almost failed to make count of it 

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Short and balding at the age forty-six, Father Yves’ resident priest had been fast asleep in his apartment when he was jolted awake by a phone call at 3 a.m. from the emergency unit of the hospital to give the last rites to someone “very important”. He was received by Prof Alain, Dr. Andre and Béatrice. Diana was still breathing, but it was very feeble. “Father Yves. I am glad that you came” Prof Alain spoke first. “Looking at the scene outside the hospital, I don’t think this is a normal car accident. They had planted a car crash to kill the Princess. Some English officials have been approaching me and enquiring me about the princess’ chance to survive this crash. They sound desperate to know about her condition. It is really weird why no one from the Royal Family has arrived yet.” He finished “Any chances of survival, Prof.? Or should I go ahead with the last rites?” Father Yves asked him back “50-50 chances father. But I don’t think she is going to make it. Even if she does, there are people outside waiting to make not survive. Also, She is 6 weeks pregnant, Father” He replied. They expressed shock in his face. “So what do you think, we must do now?” Father asked him Everyone remained calm unable to find an answer to the Father’s question. Dr. Andre looked at Béatrice curiously “I need to inform Mr. Mohamed Fayed immediately” He said. 

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4:00 A.M

They came out of the basement operating room and decided to shift her to the bluewalled second-floor room just above the main entrance of the eight storey PitiéSalpêtrière. Prof. Alain requested Dr. Andre and Father Yves to address the media about the death of the Princess of Wales. They both walked towards the hospital’s entrance. High officials from the French Embassy, the French police department, journalists, TV personals and a huge crowd of civilians were waiting in front of the hospital. Everyone who had turned up went silent when the announcement was made “We are deeply saddened to announce the death of Princess of Wales, Lady Diana who passed away on the night of August 31 1997 in a car crash. Autopsy is in progress and the departure of her body from the Hospital will commence shortly” They finished 

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4:30 P.M 

In strict accordance with protocol, a red carpet had been rolled from the curb to PitiéSalpêtrière’s main entrance, flanked by officers of the French President’s colorfully garbed Republican Guard. The Princess’s body was transported from the Hospital to Villacoublay, a military airfield southwest of Paris, and was placed on the Queen’s Flight BAe 146 CC.2. for the journey back home. The body of Princess Diana arrived back in the British soil gloomily. The coffin was accompanied by Prince Charles and two of Diana’s sisters. The coffin was lifted gently from the rear of the plane by the British officials and carried away from the aircraft. They headed towards the Hyde Park where it was to be lain for 5 days and later on would be taken to the Kensington Palace 

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Paparazzi - VI

31st August 1997 00:10 A.M 

The Black color Mercedes-Benz W140 finally emerged into sight where the Paparazzi were hiding in the corner of the street. Immediately they jumped on to the street and blocked the car. Henri Paul was the first one to lose temper and he immediately lowered the windows and abused them in foul language. “Come and get me if you can” He shouted at the paparazzi and hit the accelerator pedals. Ron and his fellow paparazzi followed the car in their bikes 

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David spedding watched the couple get into the car and called his men through his Private Mobile Radio, PMR446

Commander in base camp: Goodspeed calling Combat1 

Combat1 here. Do you read me? 

Goodspeed: Loud and Clear. Report the position 

Combat1: Package arrives at the exit. 

Combat2 backing up. Heading southwest on Sector1 

Goodspeed: Roger that. Combat3 come in. Report the position 

Combat3: Sector2 Blocked. Waiting for package. Over and out 

Goodspeed: Roger that. Combat5 come in. Report the position 

Combat5: Waiting for Combat1 confirmation. Inside Sector3. Confirm package status 

Goodspeed: Roger that. Package left from Source. Arrives on Sector1 Wait for confirmation from Combat1 

Combat5: Roger that 

Goodspeed: Combat1 come in. Report your position 

Combat1: Am tailing the package. Package is heading to Sector3 as expected Combat2 just confirmed position 

Goodspeed: Roger that. Loud and clear 

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The Paparazzi tried to overtake the Merc, but the fight with the Paparazzi made Henri drive faster. “Could you please slow down Henri? You’re going to have us all killed” Dodi ordered Henri. “Relax, Sir. Let me take you safely off the sight of these Paparazzi” Henri replied and sped faster 

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Ron held the Laser gun close to his camera in such a way that nobody could notice it. He drove his bike close to the Merc and wondered why Henri took a totally inappropriate route all on a sudden. The dark Pont de l'Alma tunnel stood just a few hundred meters from them 

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Jean-Paul Andanson was a skillful driver and a shrewd Paparazzi. No wonder David had chosen him for this particular task. He could afford to lose a Paparazzi instead of blowing up the whole team. He waited about 900 meters from the Tunnel on a white Fiat Uno. As the Black Merc emerged the road, he slowly moved the car. He was puzzled to see a bike following very close to the car and a dozen other bikes heading towards the Tunnel from a distance. He had no time to call his commander and decided to act immediately. He accelerated more to match the speed of the Merc and allowed the car to pass him by his left side to avoid collision with the Motorbike following behind. Both the cars approached the Tunnel at full speed and Jean-Paul saw his speedometer reading to jump above 90Kmph 

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Trevor was sure the car would crash any moment and he held to his seat tightly. Suddenly the Fiat Uno overtook the Merc from behind and brushed the sides of the car. At the same time Ron was aiming Dodi’s eyes with his Laser gun pointed through his Camera. He was ready to push the trigger and when he aimed at Dodi’s eyes, Henri lost balance due to the sudden collision with the Uno from the sideways. The car turned the car and almost hit the motorbike. Ron realized the car was about to hit him and in a reflex, he forcibly applied breaks to slow down the bike but lost his balance and rolled from the bike and the trigger was pulled. It hit the right front tire of the Merc. Combat1 immediately passed the message to Jeanne-Pierre for which Jeanne-Pierre pressed the remote control which turned the lights off inside the tunnel. 

Meanwhile Jean-Paul crossed the Merc and Combat5 dropped the Bomb It exploded with a huge noise between his car and the Merc. Henri was shocked by the sudden explosion and tried to control the already swiveling car and applied the brakes. The car made one full rotation before it hit one of the pillars. The first hit was on the front left side where Henri was sitting and then it banged its rear against the wall of the tunnel and came to halt. There was smoke everywhere. The tunnel went dark and the other Paparazzi looked puzzled. Some of them went on to help Ron stand up who looked terribly injured. Combat5 who was hiding behind one of the boulders inside the tunnel came out in a flash and went straight towards the car. The car’s horn kept honking as Henri’s bleeding head was lying on the steering wheel unconsciously. 

He immediately took the syringe containing alcohol and injected on the driver’s neck. He took one good look at the co-passenger sitting next to Henri. He was not badly hit and was trying to unbutton his seat belt and failed to notice Combat5. Combat5 checked the back seat where Diana was still moving her arms stretching out for some help and there was hardly any movement from the guy who was sitting next to her. He immediately rushed to the other end of the Tunnel to join Jeanne-Pierre. Soon, the paparazzi rushed towards the car and took pictures of the already dead driver Henri, the fatally wounded Dodi Fayed and Diana and the least injured Trevor. “Oh my god!!! Oh my god!!!” Diana kept repeating. Nobody dared to call up the paramedics. Frederic Mailliez, a French doctor who was returning from his duty stopped the car seeing the accident. He checked for survivors and rushed back to his car and called the emergency service. By the time he reached back the Merc, a fireman was attending to the person seated next to the Driver. He went to the back of the car to attend the woman and recognized her to be Princess Diana. 

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