Monday, February 16, 2009


B4 Building - Front entrance

Employees entering the Building and people who passed by looked so terrified at the new black patches that had formed a day before. Though few workers try to demolish the beehive which had been always a part of the building 4 in particular, those tiny strong warriors managed to put in extra effort to regain their destroyed empire

Beehive2 To the left of Beehive1

Jason, a naughty but a feral and shrewd bee kept buzzing around. So many questions flooded Jason’s mind. Why he couldn’t find a single bee resting even in the early hours of the day? Someone had destroyed their colony a day before. But who is it? How did they manage to rebuild the colony in a quick time? Who is their main enemy and why is that their colony being targeted so often?

He must find someone who can explain him in simple terms.

That could be none other than the queen herself. His tender wings managed to drill across the hexagonal cells towards the Queen’s chamber. After a few knocks, the queen asked him to enter

Queen: Oh what a surprise Jason! What brought you here? Not working today?

Jason: No your majesty. I have few questions to ask you before I go and start my work

Queen: Is it very urgent? Or perhaps, you can ask me later

Jason: No, your highness. I want it to be clarified now

Queen: (Thinks for a while) Shoot

Jason: Who is our enemy?

Queen: We don’t have any enemies my dear. We live as a family here. We work for ourselves and for others. Remember this always: United we live, divided we fall

Jason: Then who is destroying our colonies? I lost my neighbor yesterday. He was burnt alive and last month, my friend was toxicated and he died just in front of me

Queen: (Smiling) Oh well, it’s just the Humans. They never liked our presence in their environment

Jason: God created mother earth for us all to live right, Queen?

Queen: Yes. Correct. But one who has gold makes the rules. Humans are the most superior and civilized living beings on earth. We don’t have any other choice but to follow the plans humans devise for us and accept whatever pain they give us

Jason: Dear Queen. Civilization was born destroying the trees and mountains and our earth suffered a lot of pain in the hands of Humans. Though change is the only thing that is not subjected to change in this universe, why should they change everything? If you cant plant a tree, why to cut one? If you want to destroy a huge land full of trees and shrubs and raise it into offices and residential areas, why can’t you grow plants in at least half the area that had been destroyed?

Queen: They simply have no time my dear. Only few people who work for NGOs and social welfare do such things. Few organizations and individuals do take self initiatives to protect the environment from destruction. But that is very less in number. You cannot expect everyone to grow plants

Jason: We help the environment more. We never liked to disturb the human life. So we had built our own colonies far from Human reach-A place where only nature dwells. We lived so happily before civilization or civil construction struck us. If they keep sending us away, where can we get a life?

Queen: I don’t know. You better be going now. I will talk to you later on this

Jason: (with long face) Bye Queen

Queen: Bye Jason

Jason started spreading its wings to work with few of his questions still remaining unanswered. Suddenly a spray of liquid hit its right wing. It smelled Toxic. It is toxic. A man from below was spraying a huge volume of liquid on the beehive. Jason managed to escape the spray, but luck did not prevail so long. The worker, being a trained professional had his victim with ease

“This process will never end. You keep killing us, destroy our colonies. But we will keep rising; Like phoenix” Jason’s scream subsided to silence as he landed slowly on the vitrified tiles. His eyes looked terrified and his thoughts were coming to a complete shutdown as he breathed his last breath


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